How you can help
Some suggested charities
Founded in June 2022 by relatives of the soldiers who defended Azovstal and were taken into Russian captivity. The charity assists soldiers in captivity and those who return, as well as supporting their relatives.
A charitable foundation dedicated to providing competent assistance to the Ukrainian military and a non-profit organization focused on security and defence sector analytics, as well as implementing projects for veteran rehabilitation through sports. Founded in 2014.
They fundraise for the acquisition of military hardware and training as well as conducting highly respected analysis of strategic and military issues.
A new campaign (August 2024) to clear mines in Ukraine.
As a result of the Russian invasion, almost a quarter of Ukraine's government-controlled territory (139,300 square kilometers) is contaminated with explosive ordnance. It will take at least 10 years to clear it. UNITED24 Ambassadors, Timothy Snyder and Mark Hamill, are joining forces to raise funds for demining robots to help clear Ukrainian land.
A British – Ukrainian charity which began by helping refugees in 2022 and now works to support communities in Kharkiv Oblast, one of the worst hit regions of Ukraine. Much of the region was under occupation until September 2022. In November 2022, six weeks after the liberation of the region, KHARPP Repairs was launched, working to rebuild homes, hospitals, schools, and community centres in formerly occupied and frontline villages.
As well as this rebuilding work, KHARPP also provides generators, portable power stations, and Starlink satellite internet systems to villages which remain off-grid. They pride themselves on longterm support, making regular fuel runs to the villages that they work in.
Guardian article by founder Ada Wordsworth 22 May 2024.
Inspired by the Revolution of Dignity Razom seeks to support individuals and organizations who are working to create opportunities and a better future for themselves and their communities. Razom’s mission is to help accelerate their individual and collective contributions through projects that unlock Ukraine’s potential and build toward a more prosperous, democratic nation.Razom initiates short and long-term projects, or collaborates on existing projects with partner organizations, which help Ukraine stay on the path of fostering democracy and prosperity. We’ve grown a diverse community of volunteers and collaborators across the US and Ukraine which allows us to create spaces where people can meet, partner, and execute on these projects.​
The Ukrainian Institute in London has a comprehensive list of other charities.